Gene identifier: TC009831
Genomic location: NC_007422.5:8808336..8813095
Gene IDAlgorithmsGene SymbolGene NameShow GO Terms
FBgn0050047Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG30047
FBgn0034437Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG10051
FBgn0034438Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG9416
FBgn0034440Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG10073
FBgn0034436Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG11961
FBgn0050043Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG30043
FBgn0053012Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG33012
FBgn0034439Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG10062
FBgn0033720Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG13160
FBgn0034441Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG10081
FBgn0050049Eggnog6, OrthoFinderCG30049
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Lethalities 11 days after pupal injection: 80% (includes death as pupa, adult)
Lethalities 11 days after larval injection: 20% (includes death as larva, prepupa, pupa)
larva number hatched many (ca. 70-100 %)
day 13